Digital Safety Resources

At Dunlap Community Unit School District #323, the internet is a wonderful tool for our students. They can use it to research reports, communicate with teachers and other kids, create educational content and videos and play interactive games.

However, the district also realizes that online access comes with risks and that teaching your student how to safely and responsibly use the internet and online tools remains a vital lesson for all families. Parents and caregivers should be aware of what students see and hear online, who they meet, how they interact with others online and what they share about themselves. 

The district encourages all families to use the digital safety resources on this website to start a conversation with your students about mindful and responsible digital citizenship, learn tools and tips to protect your students online and keep an eye on digital activities. 

Cell Phone and Smartphone Use

Screen Time Parenting Tips


Social Media and Apps


Discussing Sexting with Your Student

General Internet Safety Tips