If you have questions or suggestions for improvement as it relates to the "Return to School Protocol" guidance for families, please email Matt Andrews at [email protected].
Regarding Student Illness:
- Vomit/Diarrhea free for 24 hours.
- Fever free without the use of fever reducing medication for 24 hours before returning.
- Testing is not required to return to school.
- If the student is complaining of sore throat, loss of taste or smell, headache, stomachache, fatigue, etc. The staff member should call the parent/guardian and report symptoms and staff recommendation of whether the student should be picked up or not. If they do not choose to pick them up and do not require immediate medical attention. Students can sit in the office until they feel well enough to return to class.
If a parent/guardian calls indicating a positive within the home, we are NOT excluding/quarantining house members (vaccinated or unvaccinated).
If a parent/guardian is calling in their child with a positive:
- The positive test has to come from a facility or physician’s office (results from at home test kits cannot be accepted).
- Positive students must stay out for a minimum of 5 or more days from the first day of symptoms or, if no symptoms, collection date of positive test. Students can return after 5 days if fever free for 24 hours and other symptoms have improved.
- Testing is not required to return to school.
- Contact tracing should continue and parents/guardians should be notified, however close contacts cannot be excluded from school.